Frequently Asked Questions
Wee Care provides free preschool education for economically disadvantaged children equipping them with skills to succeed in kindergarten.
Some of the unique aspects of Wee Care include:
Children begin at age 2 rather than age 4
Consistency (3.5 hours a day, 4 days a week, September through May)
Continuity (3 years with same teachers)
Transportation is provided
No tuition or fees
Freshly prepared meals
Frequent field trips
Family engagement and involvement
Medical services - dental, speech, occupational therapy
Trusting relationships built between volunteers and children
Use of the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development to design goals that meet the needs of specific students
Strong emphasis on a combination of large group, small group and individual reading activities
Strong emphasis on creating increasingly sophisticated language interactions, aimed at building both physical and social problem-solving skills
Documentation of program effects will include: 1) records of student involvement in literacy activities, 2) documentation of development of language & interaction skills in students, 3) parent surveys of satisfaction and program effectiveness, 4) documentation of type and frequency of parent interactions and home-based learning activities (includes measures of engagement such as attendance)
No. All expenses for students at Wee Care are covered by grants and donations from our generous supporters.
If a student requires transportation, we have a dedicated Wee Care van that makes two to three stops along a route for pickup and drop off each day. Families have the option of coming to one of the stops on our route or dropping their child off directly at school if they prefer. The Wee Care route changes yearly based on the enrollment of the program, but historically covers Southeast Raleigh.
Children come to school with a change of clothes (this stays at school until it may be needed) and diapers if needed. All snacks, lunches and drinks are provided daily.
There is no requirement for children to be potty trained. Wee Care teachers will assist families with potty training when a child is ready.
We honor all dietary restrictions and allergies. All lunches are homemade meals provided by volunteers that focus on protein, vegetables, fruits and carbs. Snacks are provided by the school each day and include a variety during the week to introduce students to new foods.
Morning class attends 9:30am–1:00pm, Tuesday–Friday.
Afternoon class is 12:00–3:30pm, Monday–Thursday.
Both classes eat lunch together at 12pm.
Wee Care generally follows the Wake County holiday schedule. -
Typically, a Wee Care day includes sensory play, circle time, large center time, playground time, lunch, and snack. Center times include science tables, reading center, manipulatives, art time with teacher assistance and more. Learning at Wee Care is interactive and fun and focuses not just on letters, numbers and concepts but also learning how to function in a classroom, follow rules and be great citizens of a school!
The older class also participates in specials including music, movement and science.
Wee Care offers a dedicated speech therapist. All children will be evaluated at the beginning of the year for speech therapy needs and options are discussed with parents. This offering is a free part of Wee Care.